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What can I do here?

This overview contains all customer phone numbers and allows you to create new phone numbers, deactivate, reactivate, request porting and delete existing numbers. The following options are available:

Deactivate phone numbers button.png

Deactivating phone numbers (temporarily)

Add phone numbers button call plan.png

Adjusting the call plan. Without an active call plan, the phone number is unreachable.

Customise phone numbers button.png

Change description and address details. This address will be communicated to the 112 emergency services. Should no voice be established, emergency services will be sent to this address.

Cancel phone numbers button.png

Cancel/remove phone numbers. If the customer wants their number back after a short period, please contact us to reactivate the number.


Phone number.PNG


Country Choose the country, default is Netherlands (+31)

Address This field selects the address for which the phone number is requested. If the address is not in the drop down, the registration with the chamber of commerce is not up to date. Through the Chamber of Commerce website, changes can be made or branches added. These become visible in the portal over time. If not, click the Get addresses button to retrieve the addresses.

Area code Choose the region you want to request a number for here. Please note, it is only possible to request an area code in the region where the customer is registered with the Chamber of Commerce. If the area code is not listed among the options, then the Chamber of Commerce is not up to date.

Block size Choose the number of numbers you want here. This is always a consecutive sequence of numbers, from 0 to 9 at the end.

Number Choose from a row of five possibilities here.

Non-regional numbers

085 numbers can be requested via the above method. 088 numbers should be applied for through ACM. To activate the 088 block, contact your telecom provider.

Service numbers

Applying for 0800 and 0900 numbers is done through the ACM. Contact your telecom supplier for this.

International phone numbers

It is also possible to apply for international phone numbers. Contact your telecom supplier for this. Necessary is proof of establishment in the country where the number is applied for. Without this proof, it is not possible to take out an international phone number.