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Request a Dutch telephone number

At Flexado we have numbers from all regions in stock. You can only purchase telephone numbers from the region where your company has a (virtual) office located.
Do you want a telephone number of a region where you do not yet have a branch? Then you can choose a telephone number in combination with a virtual office in that region.

National telephone numbers

Is your organization not bound by region and do you want a national appearance? Then you can choose a national number.

085 number

With a 085 number you choose a national look and if you only need a few telephone numbers.

088 number

088 number is a national number and only available in number blocks of 100, 1000 and more.

Service numbers (0800 & 0900)

Companies like to choose a special service number for their customer service and call centers. The 0800 numbers are free for the caller. With a 0900 number, the caller pays a fee for the service provided.
The application procedure for service numbers goes through ACM and takes longer than regular telephone numbers. We are happy to advise you on the advantages and disadvantages of 0800 numbers and 0900 numbers.

Business phone number on your mobile

If you are often on the road or often work in different places, a mobile telephony is simply the most convenient. But a mobile phone number is less professional than a landline phone number. The solution is fixed number on mobile. This allows you to answer your business landline phone anywhere.